
Bandsintown Concerts | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-3 Points Past 7 Days
Category: Music
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
126 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
137 Reports
User Feedback
137 Reports
126 Reports
Bandsintown Concerts - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 27, 2023
Couldn't get past the tracker. Logged in with my Spotify but it kept giving me an error or saying I don't follow more than 5 artist, which I do. I would try to search for some to follow to get it to move on and no artist would pop up. Doesn't work in its current form.
Feb 27, 2023
Unable to install. It rows endlessly from the first screen to choose a style. Too bad. Never much this app.
Feb 28, 2023
Won’t start
I've been using this app for a long time, but now I've been signed out and it won't let me access the app at all. Looking at recent reviews, it looks like other users are experiencing the same problem. I sincerely hope this bug gets fixed soon!
Feb 28, 2023
Too Many Notifications
I keep getting notifications for events outside my designated radius :(
Feb 28, 2023
Good functions, needs stability work.
The app does some great things in aggregating show and artist data. However it needs work in retaining your profile information. Login, follow artists and shows. Then it's a random chance the next time you use it that any of it is retained. Go back in and re-add your artists and it shows they are already selected. Deselect and reselect and they will show in your profile again. So some pretty big issues. Hopefully they can get those squared away.
Mar 4, 2023
Will not load past "Build your music DNA" page.
Mar 4, 2023
A little buggy sometimes, but does what it needs to do: remind me of concerts!
Mar 4, 2023
Dreadful. The only point it succeeds is advertise concerts by the band you're adhering to. It's difficult to discover anything else concerning it.
Mar 5, 2023
Overall the App is really good and everything works, my only complaint is that I cannot make a "BIT" Wallet and I missed out on claiming my Interactive Token because the App kept crashing every single time I tried to make a Wallet or claim my Token
Bandsintown Concerts - Product Description
Bandsintown helps you find all live shows in one place. Stay connected with the artists you love through virtual concerts streamed directly to your device or find tickets for upcoming shows & tours. Our free app simplifies live stream, artist, and concert discovery by allowing you to track your favorite artists, be the first to receive alerts when they announce an event, and buy concert tickets or watch live - all in one place. Sync Bandsintown with your music apps to discover new music you’ll love and get recommendations based on the music you’re already obsessed with. Join over 55 million fans who use Bandsintown to ensure they never miss live music.

• Watch live streams from around the world with one tap of your finger.
• Browse thousands of virtual concerts based on your favorite artists, genres, or by date.
• Receive notifications when bands you love are on tour, doing a live stream, or playing a festival.
• Sync your music libraries through apps like Spotify, Apple Music & Facebook to automatically track your favorites from over 530,000 artists.
• Access exclusive interviews, news, artist messages & more.
• Browse upcoming concerts for any artist or city and buy tickets directly in the app.
• Add shows & live streams you’re interested in directly to your phone’s calendar or send to friends.

Named one of TIME Magazine’s 50 Best Apps of the Year and Business Insider’s The App 100: The World’s Greatest Apps

Terms of Use: http://corp.bandsintown.com/terms
Privacy Policy: http://corp.bandsintown.com/privacy

◦ Bugs / Crash? Feedback? ◦ 
Email: [email protected]

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