Send customer reviews to Slack
unitQ can automatically send customer reviews to Slack, making it easy to see what users are saying about your product. You can also define your own saved searches or filter reviews based on any property you choose.
Slack sample
Track quality in real time
unitQ will detect and track potential quality issues in your customer feedback and send them to specific teams in your organization.
Slack sample
Monitor quality trends
Stay on top of product quality with alerts of new and trending software quality issues reported in any language, region or platform.
Slack sample

Installing our Slack app is easy

Setting up our Slack integration is as easy as adding the unitQ
Slack app to your Slack team.

Start by clicking the button below to begin the process.
  • To install the Slack app, click the install button above.
  • You need to login to unitQ monitor to continue to the next step.
  • From there you will be redirected to the install dialog for the Slack app.
  • Click the “Add” button.
  • You will now be redirected to the Slack App Directory to install unitQ Slack app for the team of your choosing.
  • Finally, select a channel to which unitQ monitor should post notifications about incoming reviews, trends and new quality issues.